Kevin is finishing the blocking for our interior walls! I'll post more apartment pictures later. Right now I actually don't have anything to do and have already spent hours in the sun planting garlic, so I decided I would write a post.
This place is so beautiful. When I'm frustrated or tired or both I just look around me at the hills set against the blue sky, and I feel rejuv

enated. Money is going faster than originally planned, and I'm not interning with Jeff Poppen yet. I was starting to get stressed out, quaking a little. But then I helped Mike plant peas and broccoli, and the Chinese cabbage I planted for him is growing so well, and I share ideas with him that are helpful, and the dirt calms me down. My neighbor, Julie, brings me the straw she uses as bedding in her chicken coops. Free mulch. A neighbor will be plowing our field this weekend. Our friends volunteered to help us hang and mud the drywall. The help keeps pouring in. I can do this. We can do this. The money isn't gone yet, and we're more than halfway done. This is what I am on this earth to do, and I will do it. We have phosphorus for centuries, and calcium and magnesium, and we have manure.

The barn roof leaks, which is bad news for our apartment, so

Kevin and I had to get up there with a bucket of tar to seal the seams and nail holes. As you may or may not know, I am not fond of heights. Our barn is three stories tall at the peak. To g

et from one side to the other, you have to get a running start, fling yourself at the peak, and haul your ass over. I was terrified at first, but the roof is surprisingly solid, and the view is beautiful. As of the last rain, we had fixed all but two of the big leaks, so we're feeling pretty good about it.
It feels weird to be regarded as an adult. People ask me gardening questions and invite me to work parties, like I actually know what the hell I'm talking about or how to do anything.
Yesterday when Kevin and I were finishing up for the day, I was overcome by how far we have come as a couple. Here we are. He lives in Tennessee, with me and with my parents. He's changed his whole life to come here with me. Five years ago....
I l

ove living here. Our friends, Dan and Marianna, hosted a Hootnanny two weekends ago. They did a pig roast and brewed three kegs of brown ale and a keg of cider. The cider whooped me; I was college drunk. Kevin was a gentleman and rubbed my back while I puked. I managed to keep it out of our tent.

can't wait to share this place with all of my wonderful friends! Bring on the naked dance party in the woods :-D
I am SO happy for you:-) Glad to hear you're so happy!