Mike, the farmer I've been working with, had us over for a dinner party and introduced us to the son of one of our neighbors--Sam. He's going to be plowing our field, and we'll be planting it in a mix of rye, hairy vetch, clover, and winter wheat to improve the soil before spring. He and his wife want to move back to the creek to raise grass-fed beef. His father's land buts up to our property line. I also got to pick the best blueberries in the world with Mike. I have several quarts frozen and made a few pints of blueberry jam. It was my first jam experience, and I used honey and no pectin. It took several hours to cook down but is so freaking fantastic--worth every moment. I can't think of a better way to spend a morning than stuffing my face with organic blueberries off the bush, listening to the birds sing as the day warms up. Divine. This is how I spend my life here.
The season is changing. About the last day of August I noticed Partner's fur had changed, and the leaves are beginning their transition. Today it occurred to me that the people here in Tennessee aren't the only organisms that like getting undressed and swaying in the wind--the trees are gearing up for a winter long naked party! Except the prudish cedars; they keep their clothes on all year.
I went for a beautiful ride today. We went down to the creek and splashed around and had our first gallop in years. It was exhilarating, and I lost my hat.
Some random highlights since the last post: Kevin and I went hiking, and my ankles got covered in seed ticks. It was horrendous; I had hundreds of itchy red bumps for more than a week. I'm all for biodiversity but I wouldn't mind if ticks went extinct.
The truck caught on fire. Yes, that perfect farm truck. So after a new carburetor to compliment the new transmission with new spark plugs and wires it finally starts every time. I'm knocking on wood as I say this. That's all I'm going to say about the truck.
I thought this post was going to be longer, but that's all I can think of. We're doing it. And it's amazing. I can't wait to cook that first dinner in our kitchen!
Woo Hoo! Awesome blog! Thanks for your beautiful writing about the "perks" of the sole-farm life. Anna directed me here, because I share your goal of starting a small farm. I look forward to watching you progress and hopefully, asking you a few questions along the way!
Frank, Thanks for reading! I hope you get your farm :) You're welcome to come visit us when we get up and going! Ask anything. I probably won't know the answer, but I'll ask around and try to get an answer for you.